Larry Tribe

Barack Obama

Supreme Court To Decide Constitutionality of Obamacare

In a development that should surprise no one, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's signature policy achievement, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- aka Obamacare. This means that, before the end of the current SCOTUS Term in summer 2012, the justices will rule on the validity of this sweeping legislation....


Non-Sequiturs: 08.29.11

* Professor Laurence Tribe on “the constitutional inevitability of same-sex marriage.” [SCOTUSblog] * You can sleep when you’re dead — and you can prevail against the IRS in litigation, too (as the late Ken Lay just did). [TaxProf Blog] * Speaking of the dead, just because someone is burglarizing your business doesn’t mean you can […]

Department of Justice

Larry Tribe Leaving DOJ Because His Brain Hurts

Harvard Law School professor and liberal intellectual icon Laurence Tribe is leaving the Department of Justice early because of symptoms related to his brain tumor. (Oh, stop your gasping, it’s a benign brain tumor. I can make jokes about benign brain tumors in headlines.) Tribe, a person who is most definitely as smart as he […]